Intra-mural Sports
Intra-mural sports are more commonly known as IMS is a friendly league offered to students by most UoN sports clubs. It is a good way of starting a new sport or building on current skills, especially if you are looking to tryout for the team's next year. Our IMS volleyball league is one of the largest here at Nottingham and we have participants from all skill levels, from complete beginners looking to start volleyball all the way up to BUCS level players who are here to help you improve.
At the start of each academic year you have the opportunity to enter a volleyball team into our IMS league where you will play against the other teams. Your team can be made up of course mates, housemates, friends or anyone who is interested in getting involved with volleyball. If you don't have a team of people to enter, don't worry if you contact us we will put you into a team to play, so everyone can get involved with volleyball. IMS memberships are available to purchase through the UoN Sport website however please contact our IMS officer prior to purchase.
With around 20 teams playing in our IMS league this year, this is a great opportunity to not only better your volleyball skills but also make lots of new friends.
If you would like to become involved with IMS volleyball please contact our IMS officer Edward Taylor via our club email or Instagram account.
Instagram: uonvolleyball